04 Dec 2012

BY: henry


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More than three thousand years ago depression has been recognized to be a common ailment among human and has been affecting people from all walks of life from the earliest years. It is referred to by some in the medical field as the common cold in mental health. In milder forms depression can come as a passing period of sadness that follows a disappointment and is name as unipolar or non-bipolar depression. More severe depressions may be experienced with feelings of fear, exhaustion, and inability to take action into the life of society, hopelessness and inner desperation’s. Those who supper repeated harsh and rigorous mood swings are said to suffer bipolar disorder

People experience depression in different ways though very few may have the same symptoms. The symptoms may include sadness, pessimism, that is thinking the worse will happen in every situation and feeling of hopelessness, droopiness, laziness or sluggishness that make it difficult get going; general fatigue along with loss of energy, lack of interest in work, religion, hobby and other activities; low self esteem, often partnered by self criticism and guilty feelings, humiliation, unworthiness, helplessness, lack of sleep and distorted concentration, and loss of desire to eat. In what is referred to as masked depression, the person may have many of the above symptoms, but cover up or deny the feelings of sadness by putting on a pretense of normalcy or happiness. However, sensitive counselors will see behind the facade.

Depression can be apparent and classified by different measures of severity, from mild to severe and primary to secondary. Mild depression is temporary, self correction and may be overcome by little counseling, therapy and mild mediation. Severe conditions last for longer periods and recurs at different times as seasons. The sources can be   spiritual, physiological, psychological a combination of all three or also genetic. Professionals   agree that it originates basically from disappoints failures or losses. Inaccurate diagnosis, incorrect medication, inappropriate responses of immediate family members and friends to the ill person can make the condition increasingly complex. Though common, even with skilled psychiatrists and therapists, it can be difficult to diagnosed and dealt with without the help of the empowering grace and wisdom of God.

The Bible does not have much to say about it; still we can find that the condition existed in various characters. Namely Job, Elijah, Moses, King Saul, Kind David, Jonah, Peter   and even Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane where He was deeply grieved and distressed which resulted to blood dripping our of his forehead. They all dealt with the condition in similar ways but primarily looking to God for His empowering grace and wisdom.


Myths and fictions of depression make the practice of a cousellor more difficult. The following are some of them.  “Depression is caused by sin and lack of faith in God”. “All depression is as a result of self pity”. “It is wrong for a Christian to be depressed”. “Depression can be removed permanently by some sort of spiritual exercise and that happiness is a choice”.


The Belief System

Job, according to the Bible, was a “perfect” man, blameless, upright revered God, shuns evil and held fast to his integrity. He was financially successful with a large happy family.

Nevertheless,  Job said “Job 3:25 25 The worst of my fears has come true, what I’ve dreaded most has happened” It is also   written in Proverbs 23:7  “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” As we have read the thing that Job feared came upon him. Disaster struck from all angles progressively in his life.  He lost his children, health and wealth and his wife, who was supposed to stick with him, suggested that he curse God and die. His friends were   judgmental, and had many of their own reasons for his predicament.  Through it all, he came more intimate with God, experienced His grace and was restored in a greater measure. No doubt our faith or fear, the way we think and/or believe can cause us to fall in depression or rise out of depression.

The Genetic –Biological Causes

Research also reveals that some nature of depression runs in families and can also arise from physical malfunctions.  Lack of sleep, insufficient exercise, the side effects of prescribed and illegal drugs, unhealthy diet, monthly premenstrual syndrome, glandular disorder, and brain tumors and chemistry also contributes to depression. Some in the medical field agree that negative thinking causes imbalance in brain chemistry and can contribute to depression.

Psychological-Cognitive Causes

Up to 10 percent of mental health problem are find its origination from Psychological-Cognitive conditions. Twenty five percent of this figure are made up of college and university students, and thirty three percent are college and university drop outs. Childhood experiences, family and cultural backgrounds, stress,  significant losses, lack of skill in surviving, anger and unforgiveness with self, greed,  guilt, self condemnation  lack of hope, and not seeing the good plans and future that God has for us has people stuck in depression. Depressed people are often passive or over reactive, poorly motivated, not wanting to/or lack the strength to do anything to help themselves. 

The Effect of Depression

If not dealt with appropriately depression can lead to extended sufferings. Unhappiness and inefficiency, increased physical illness,  withdrawal from family friends and society as a whole, chronic loneliness due to lack of ability to maintain healthy relationships, inability to be a team player and stay employed ,low esteem and even suicide are the potential consequences of depression..

Avoiding Depression

Though depression cannot be completely avoided there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risks. They are as follows; trusting in God,  accept that  discouragement and disappointments will come in life, be alert to depressive situations and seasons of reoccurrence, learn to handle guilt, anger  and unforgivness  of self and others, think right, develop coping skills, find the right support individuals or groups, and be discipline in eating  and exercising,



04 Dec 2012

BY: henry


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Loneliness has been referred to as the world’s most common mental health problem. It is one of the most universal sources of human suffering. People in all walks of life, experience it regardless of the culture, class, race, or sex. It is a condition that affects all ages at some season in their life and can be temporary, seasonal or never ending depending on the manner on which it is dealt.

Loneliness involves feelings of inner emptiness, isolation and intense longing for relationship, though the environment in which the lonely lives is conducive to and facilitates the opposite. There may be multitudes of lively people compatibly around with lots of fun activities , still they are lonely and find it difficult to get involved in the Joys of life and society. They can be living in the best country the world, in the largest cities with the brightest lights or the most exotic beach, but still suffer. The lonely feels left out, unwanted, rejected or misunderstood, saddened discouraged, restless and anxious, with the desire to be recognized and needed by at least some one. They usually have low self-image, lack self-confidence and fear rejection; hence they do not have the courage to initiate or build relationships.

Man was created for relationship and not to be alone and lonely. Relationships have been one of the major contributing factors that contribute to the fulfillment of the destiny of our lives. Shortly after God created Adam He said it is not good for man to be alone, so he made a suitable helper. They were to maintain a personal intimate relationship with God, with each other and be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Adam became very ambitious tending the garden leaving enough room for Eve to be lonely. Satan sneaked in the gaps of loneliness and was able to have an influence on Eve so as to eat the apple. They both ate the apple, broke intimacy with with God and sin placed even a larger gap between man and woman. Hence the birth of loneliness.

Though rarely discussed in scriptures, we can see loneliness took a hold of Noah, Moses, Job, Nehemiah, Elijah, Saul, David, Jesus, John, the apostle Paul and still it’s like an increasing plague in today’s society. The increase of technology where most people live on the web, computer or television, rather than interacting with live human beings in the life of society, has contributed in a greater way. Loneliness drives people to all kinds of perverted and relationships. We can see human effort to solve loneliness through alcoholism, rape, divorce and fornication homosexuals, workaholics, exhibitionist behaviors, vacation trips, shopping malls racking up their credit cards, diverse addictions, etc. Loneliness can be found more prevalent older and single people.

There are several causes of loneliness. It can emerge in times of transitions in times of their life, when people have to move for various reasons from city to city due to employment or education, different developmental stages in life, when children have to move out of their home, broken relationships, divorce and separation . Psychological ailments also bring on loneliness. Low self esteem, where people see themselves the wrong way, shyness and inability to communicate, self defeating attitudes, anger of bitterness of some past disappointment fear and situational and spiritual causes.

Loneliness can be overcome by first admitting the problem. However because of pride and lack of knowledge of its subtleness and danger most people fail to deal with it. With proper probing the causes and the lonely being honestly transparent the true cause of loneliness can come discovered. Next the lonely must be brought to see themselves the way they really are through God’s point view and not the way they see themselves or society or their circumstances make them feel. Next, the appropriate steps need to be taken to increase their faith and trust in God, their thinking has to be changed to the way God thinks about them.

Further, they need to get guidance in developing self-esteem, learning social skills and be encouraged to step out and getting into the life of society. They need to be encouraged to take risks and reach out to the right people in a healthy environment, where the chances of rejection are lower and acceptance is greater. Though not perfect the church is where the people are more accepting, forgiving, patent, and tenderhearted tolerant and helpful. For this reason it can be a safer place where the lonely can start overcoming loneliness. Still other groups which offer similar help.

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